Government Medical College,Bettiah,West Champaran, Bihar.


OPD Schedule

Location:- OPD services are situated in Govt. Medical College & Hospital, Bettiah in OPD Building for Medicine, Surgery,Orthopaedics,Obstretrics & Gynaecology, Skin V.D,Eye,ENT,Psyciatry and others


              Registration Time

Consultation Time

General OPD

8:00 a.m. to 2p.m.

8.30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Senior Citizen Clinic

      2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.


OPD Ticket costing Rs. 05/– can be purchased from main counter, OPD ground floor. After this, you get yourself registered at the counter of respective OPDs.
You have right to consult any doctor/ consultant. For seeking appointment with any consultant on his OPD days, you may contact his/her office.
Patients are seen on first come first serve basis. However, out of turn consultation may be provided in case of emergency or to senior citizens.
Speciality Clinics – Speciality Services in certain Departments are available.

Investigations: After OPD consultation, the treating doctor will fill up the requisition forms for various investigations & direct/guide you to the concerned lab /dept.

Sample collection centre for Blood, Urine, Stool etc.
Sample Collection Timings are:- 8:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m.
The report normally reaches the concerned OPD on the next OPD day.
Certain investigations are done free of charge while others are charged as per the prevailing.

Many facilities are provided at OPD level e.g. ECG, Plaster, Injection and Immunization Room, Contraception and MTP Services, Minor Surgical Intervention, Physiotherapy,Refraction.

Medical fitness / Medical examination and other such certificates are issued after paying the requisite fees. For this purpose contact the central registration office, ground floor OPD.

The decision to admit a patient rests with the treating doctor. The patient will be admitted only if the doctor finds him sick enough to be admitted. In case of emergency, out of turn admission may be done.

Wheel chairs, patient trolleys etc. are available free of charge at the entrance of OPD.

OPDs have waiting hall with chairs, public utilities like
drinking water & toilets etc. at each floor.

You should park your vehicle in the paid parking only otherwise it is likely to be towed away.

To meet day-to-day needs of patients, there is canteen in front of O.P.D Complex, medical stores.

In case of any problem Principal. GMC, Bettiah may be Contacted for further enquiry.



Patients are admitted in General Ward of G.M.C, Bettiah, free of cost.Cosultation by doctors, medicine & nursing care is free of cost.

For certain basic investigations, life saving medicines and surgical items, diet, linen, I.V. fluids etc may have to purchaged by the patient
For allotment in Private Wards, after recommendation by the treating doctor, patient should contact
the Medical Superintendent Office. A waiting list is maintained and the private room is allotted as per

Private ward patients are charged additionally for specific investigations, procedures, operations etc.

All in-patients receive treatment by team of Resident Doctors and Nurses, available round the clock, under the supervision and guidance of Faculty Members of GMC, Bettiah.
Hospital Attendants are available in different wards to help in patient care and related activities.
All the wards are fully equipped with modern gadgets & equipments e.g. ventilators, monitors, as provided by Health Department, Govt. of Bihar , Patna, defibrillators, nebulisers; central O
2 & suction supply etc. to provide top quality medical care.
Waste disposal is done as per the established rules (Biomedical waste management and handling rules, 1998) and utmost care is taken to keep the premises neat and clean.
Every inpatient is provided with two attendant passes.
Visitors are allowed only during notified visiting hours .
Special Investigations like USG, CT, etc. are changed as per the rates approved by Government and revised from time to time.
For very poor patients, on recommendation of treating Doctor, the hospital charges may be waived off by Med. Supdt./ his nominee and costly drugs/surgical items may be provided by the hospital. Financial assistance is also available through Prime Minister’s Relief Fund, NIAF and other such funds. You may contact Principal GMC, Bettiah for financial help procedure .
Bed linen is changed at the time of admission, thereafter on every alternate day and also whenever required.
Food is served three times a day. Also, Tea is provided in the morning.
Facilities provided in private ward – Each room has – attached toilets & bath room.


Destitute unattended patients are provided with attendants from hospital, drugs & surgical items are provided from hospital and all hospital charges are waived. Medical Social Service Officers help in location and calling the relatives/family members of unattended/unknown patients Destitute patients are relocated to some destitute home after discharge from hospital.
Day care facility is available for certain types of operations. e.g. laproscopic surgery; day care chemotherapy; blood transfusion, dialysis, endoscopies and similar interventions.
Operation Theratres
The institute has fully equipped modern Operation Theatres, where all kinds of major and minor
surgeries are performed using the latest techniques and technology.
For routine surgeries, the respective departments maintain waiting list. Patients are called and
operated upon as per the waiting list. But, in case of emergencies/urgencies, the out of turn
surgeries are also performed, at the discretion at the treating doctors.
The patient should get his Pre-Anaesthetic check up done in PAC Room on 5th floor OPD Block
during afternoon before getting admitted for operation and follow the instructions given by the
treating Doctors.
ICUs The hospital has fully equipped ICU,. requiring urgent ICU care are admitted to ICUs at the discretion of treating Doctors.
Laboratory Services
Emergency Lab – 24 hours, throughout the year, for all emergency investigations.
Routine Lab – Sample Collection Timings:- Weeks Days – 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Saturday – 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
All type of routine and special investigations incl. Biochemical,microbiological, pathology,

Blood Bank:- GMC has a Blood Bank that functions 24 hours a day and provides facilities for blood donation, storage, issue of blood and its components. Strict precautions are taken and testing is done to prevent any blood borne infection..If your patient requires blood transfusions, then you are requested to arrange healthy blood donors for donating blood in order to reduce shortage of blood shortage.


Miscellaneous Facilities
Ambulance facility is available to transfer patients to other hospitals or meet any exigency/disaster situation.




Location:- In main building of Government Medical College & Hospital, Bettiah
These services are available 24 hour a day, throughout the year.
Anyone with urgent medical problem can seek consultation/treatment in the Casualty.
If Doctors decide that you need urgent medical intervention, you will be registered at the casualty registration counter, free of charge and proper medical care will be provided promptly.
Casualty has dedicated team of Doctors (Casualty Medical Officers from major specialties i.e. Medicine, Surgery, Orthopedics & Pediatrics.


We endeavor to provide medical care (incl. Investigation & treatment) at the earliest possible time..
All urgent investigations 
like Blood Biochemistry, Urine, Blood Gas Analysis, ECG, USG, X-ray, etc. are available for casualty patients round the clock.
All medicines and surgical items like available in casualty are provided free of cost.
Facilities like Wheel Chairs & patient trolleys are available at the entrance of casualty..


Please follow the rules and regulations of the hospital while inside the hospital campus.
Please do not cause inconvenience to other patients by crowding or making noise unnecessarily.
Please help us in keeping the hospital and its surroundings neat and clean.
Please don’t argue with security guards, show your passes when asked for & help maintain the order
and peace inside the hospital premises.
Please use the facilities of this hospital with care and do not damage/ spoil hospital property.
Beware of Touts & unauthorized persons. 
Don’t indulge in any money transactions with them.
The Hospital is a No Smoking Zone
. Please don’t indulge in any money transactions with them.
Please refrain from demanding under favours from the staff and officials.
Please provide useful feedback and constructive suggestions. These may be addressed to the Medical Superintendent of the Hospital.






Superintendent                                                                                                                                                      Principal

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